
Ah, the holidays. Family. Food. Football. Plus all those weird traditions passed down through generations. What would Thanksgiving be without Aunt Jane’s lime green Jell-O & Ham Casserole? And who doesn’t like camping out in mall parking lots at 4am to save 15% on fidget spinners? We all celebrate differently, yet alike. So here’s a quick tour around other tables this season:

Everything In Moderation, Except Bacon.
Heard of “primal” diets? They’re pushing aside side dishes like candied yams to make room for more meat, cream, butter (and did we mention more meat?) If your host went all Paleo on you, embrace your inner carnivore. Then enjoy that bacon-wrapped turducken like a real caveman.

Yes, Tex-Mex Turkey is a thing.
So is cornbread-chorizo stuffing, con queso over mashed potatoes and chipotle pumpkin pie. In a year when Despacito was #1 for 16 straight weeks on the record charts, we’re all Latino lovers lately. If you love spicey too, try this zesty cranberry salsa.

Cranberry Jelly Just Like Grandma Used To Open.
Straight-out-of-the-can cranberry sauce is a comfort-food throwback now making a jiggly comeback. Tacky as ever but nostalgically tasty, score extra points if the can lines are still visible on your gelatinous blob.

Are You A Wishbone Family?
Ever feel like a wishbone pulled opposite directions during holidays? Some families have MULTIPLE Thanksgiving dinners all in the same day: Grandma’s house. Your other Grandma’s house. Dessert with Daddy’s new wife and step kids. Makes you wish for simpler times. Or Pepto-Bismol.

Lions & Giants & Cowboys, Oh My!
While your appetite goes into OT tackling 2nd helpings, 6 NFL Teams will NOT be feasting with family. Away from home and home cooking, they’re taking one for the team to entertain us all day. So show some respect. Try not to fall asleep until halftime.

Black Friday: The Other Bloodsport.
It takes strategy. A game plan with clipped coupons, who’s hitting which aisle first, and modern technology like texts to call an audible on flash sales. Your saner move: shop online for everything from apparel to stocking stuffers at www.sriracha2go.

Frozen Turkey Bowling
Although probably not as popular with Pilgrims, this charitable tradition at University of Wisconsin gathers the community to roll frozen Butterballs down oiled tarps at bowling pins. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society, helping smokers quit cold turkey.

Let Us All Give Thanks For Little Pleasures
So your drumstick needs a kick, the deviled eggs could be more devilish, and  late-night leftovers leave you drowsy? Sriracha2Go to the rescue! Portable, keychain-sized bottles let you Rooster it up anywhere, especially when you’re NOT home for the holidays. Bonus: if you’re traveling, say bye-bye to bland airline food. They’re TSA approved to carry aboard planes or Santa’s sleigh.